Jan 16: Community Solar gathering

SUNWPA (Solar Unified Network of Western Pennsylvania) is holding a Stone Soup and Community Solar Summit - an education, networking and soup/potluck event focused on “shared solar” (aka, “community solar”),  We will explore the various regulatory considerations in Pennsylvania surrounding shared solar projects as well as the possible options for our region. 

6 – 8 p.m. at Schwartz’s Living Market on the Southside.  Please register so we know how many to expect.  Here’s more information and the registration link: https://stonesoupandsolar.eventbrite.com.

In addition, SUNWPA will be starting a Shared Solar Task Force and we will be discussing how to get involved with this activity during the Stone Soup and Solar event on the 16th.  This task force will further explore the opportunities to start a shared solar project in western Pennsylvania.

SUNWPA is also forming a Solar Education Task Force for those who are interested in getting out into the community (libraries, Rotary Clubs, faith groups, etc) to increase solar literacy in the region.  The formation of both of these task forces will be voted upon at the next SUNWPA business meeting, which is scheduled for February 13 at the Millvale Community Library from 6:30-8:30pm.  You are welcome to attend that meeting as well (more information will be forthcoming).  If you can’t attend but are interested, please contact Sharon Pillar to be added to the list.  And please email Maren if you'd like to join the email/online discussion/resource group on the topic that grew out of last September's Sustainability Salon.

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